WIN Charter – our Project “Climate protection while you sleep”

Eventlocation im Schwarzwald – Firmenevents und Geburtstagsfeiern.

Sustainability and climate protection are deeply rooted in our corporate philosophy and we are passionate about shaping a sustainable future. As a proud member of the WIN-Charta, we would like to introduce you to our “Climate protection while you sleep” project.

Sustainability is important to us and we would like to give you the opportunity to make your stay with us even more environmentally friendly. By choosing “Climate protection in your sleep”, you are actively helping to make your own stay climate-neutral and have a positive impact on our environment.
You now have the opportunity to actively contribute to climate protection by booking “Climate protection while you sleep”. With this special option, you can make a contribution of 1 euro per room/per night, which goes directly to the Baden-Württemberg Climate Protection Foundation. This makes your vacation with us CO2 – neutral.

The WIN Charter is an initiative that encourages companies to promote sustainable business practices and implement concrete measures for climate protection. As a signatory to this charter, we are committed to continuously improving our business practices and reducing our environmental footprint.
We are proud to work with the WIN Charter and the Climate Protection Foundation, which is committed to a sustainable future. Every single euro donated through your room booking goes towards projects that promote renewable energy, reforestation and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

We would like to invite you to become part of our “Climate protection while you sleep” project and work together to have a positive impact on our environment. Thank you for your support and your commitment to a sustainable future.